Аbout Russia
Full name:
Russian Federation
142.8 million (UN, 2008)
17 million sq km (6.6
million sq miles)
Major language:
Major religions:
Christianity, Islam
Life expectancy:
59 years (men), 73 years
(women) (UN)
Monetary unit:
1 rouble = 100 kopecks
Internet domain:
International dialling code:
GDP (million current US$,
1 757 000
GDP (million current PPP US$, 2008)
2 225 000
Trade per capita (US$,
3 860
Trade to GDP ratio
GDP - real growTD rate:
(2008 est.)
(2007 est.)
(2006 est.)
GDP - per capita (PPP):
(2008 est.)
(2007 est.)
(2006 est.)
GDP - composition by sector:
Labor force (2008 est.):
75.7 million
Unemployment rate (2008
EXPORTS, F.O.B. (2010 est.)
$476 bln
Main export
By main commodity group (ITS)
Fuels and
mining products
IMPORTS, F.O.B. (2010 est.)
Main import partners:
South Korea
By main commodity group (ITS)
Agricultural products
Fuels and mining products
Business and
The Russian Federation is the ninth
largest country in the world in terms of population and the seventh largest in
terms of gross domestic product (GDP), Russia is the world's largest country in land
area, occupying 75% of the former Soviet Union
(17 million sq km or 6.6 sq miles), has a significant percentage of the world's
mineral resources and produced 14% of the world's total mineral extraction. The
Russian Federation
holds the world's largest natural gas reserves, 38% of the world's total.
Together with the Middle East, which holds 35%
of total reserves, they account for 73% of world natural gas reserves. With up
to 10 percent of the world’s known oil reserves, Russia
pumped on average 9.4 million barrels a day and exported around 7 million last
year--second only to Saudi
Arabia and occasionally outstripping the
desert kingdom in monthly production. In the past six years, the high prices
for crude oil have added at least 15 percent to the country’s GDP, brought
billions of dollars to the treasury, boosted personal incomes by almost
one-third, and significantly enhanced Russia’s position in the world.
Russia's largest import is machinery,
equipment and transport equipment, which accounts for 51.3% of its total
imports. Its second largest import is of chemical products and rubber (16.6%).
The high
oil prices brought in revenue for Russia
between 2005 and 2008 and continue to do so in light of the North Africa and Middle East crisis of 2011, which is in charge of a very
substantial increase in oil prices. However, the country has yet to tackle the
limited domestic demand and its heavy dependence on foreign import, which
contributed to the contraction of its economy by 7.9% in 2009. The industries
which are particularly attractive such as: mining, construction, aerospace,
research and development, food and beverages, agriculture, logistics, timber
and metal processing. The average salary is still quite low, but in certain
areas, especially in the main cities Moscow
and Saint-Petersburg an immense skilled workforce is available. Last but not
least, Russia
is not a homogeneous country – it has a variety of nationalities, along with
developed and poor areas with different needs. High end, luxury goods will sell
very well in Moscow
and Saint-Petersburg, but would find few customers in other of Russian regions.
Today Russia’s GDP is slowly, but surely recovering from the recession of 2009,
when it fell by an incrediblyly substantial 7.9% for such a robust economy, as
it seemed back then. In 2010 growth returned to 4.3% and is forecasted to stay
at the same level in 2011 too. Between 2000 and 2008 Russia’s current account balance
reached almost 10% of GDP. However, it has been declining gradually, from 18%
in 2000 to 6.1% in 2008, as the value of GDP in current prices recorded in USD
increased sixfold. In 2010 Russian exports grew by 24.15% and imports by 23.7%,
an increase in comparison with 2009, when demand on both the domestic and
foreign markets was depressed and trade seriously suffered as a result.
In 2008 inflation in the Russian
Federation reached 14.1% and 11.7% in 2010, which was high enough for
an economy in recession. In 2010 it dropped to 6.2% and is expected to continue
falling in 2011 (5.7%).
Investment breakthrough
of 2011http://expert.ru/2011/08/25/nvestitsionnyij-proryiv/
According to Federal Statics Bureau of
Russia (Rosstat) only within first six months of 2011 there has been invested
over 87,7 billions dollars from foreign companies into Russian Economy, which
is over 2.9 times more than there had been invested during the same period of
time in 2010. It has been already described as an abnormal volume of
investments, such inflow has never been registered before. The contribution of
direct investments accounts for 7039 million dollars, which is for 30% more,
than it was for the first six months of 2010.The amount of portfolio investments has increased for 34,5%, up to 241
million dollars. All other investments have grown 3,3 times higher and account
for 80 418 million in the total figuer.
The recent economical reports show that there has been accumulated over
315 milliard dollars of foreign capital by to the end of June 2011, indicating
the 19,9% growth over the figures of the previous year’s same period. During
the first six months of 2011 the amount of foreign cleared off capital
constituted 81,7 milliard dollars, which is 2,5 times higher than it was a year
before, which means that the foreign investments have accounted 6 milliard
dollars. And the total growth of direct and portfolio investments is 30% this
year alone. Mostly due to western manufacturing companies readiness to establish
their presence on the Russian Market. Additionally, the Russian stock is
becoming more and more attractive for foreign investors.
The 2011 year’s economical situation for the Russian Market is quite
promising yet for another reason, oil prices remain high, and though the global
recession is no myth and the oil prices may considerably roll back, the Russian
Budget for 2011 year was calculated to withstand the oil price of 80 dollars
for barrel, so it has a high degree of safety still. There is also a significant
capital repatriation, mostly made by Russian companies registered in Cyprus,
this fact also gives some optimism. All analysts predict a bright future for Russia
in terms of foreign capitalization generally thanks to its vast mineral
resources and enormous territory.
Mineral deposits
Mining was the country's major industry in
2002, and Russia was the largest exporter of palladium and nickel (20% of world
output), and ranked second in the production of aluminum and platinum-group
metals, third in potash, sixth in gold, and seventh in mine copper. Russia
also produced a large percentage of the CIS's bauxite, coal, cobalt, diamond,
lead, mica, natural gas, oil, tin, zinc, and many other metals, industrial
minerals, and mineral fuels. Enterprises considered part of the mineral and
raw-material complex contributed 70% of the budget revenues derived from
exports; petroleum, petroleum products, and natural gas were Russia's leading
export commodities in 2002; metals and chemicals also were leading export
commodities. With up to 10 percent of the world’s known oil reserves, Russia pumped on average 9.4 million barrels a
day and exported around 7 million last year--second only to Saudi Arabia
and occasionally outstripping the desert kingdom in monthly production. In the
past six years, the high prices for crude oil have added at least 15 percent to
the country’s gross domestic product, brought billions of dollars to the
treasury, wich boosted personal incomes by almost one-third, and significantly
enhanced Russia’s
position in the world. The shelves of the Far East and Eastern Siberia have especially good prospects for
large-scale and long-term developments of the offshore oil and gas fields. The
promising areas in these regions (excluding Sakhalin
and its shelf) are estimated at about 1.5 million square kilometers. Potential
recoverable resources are estimated at billions of tons of conventional fuel.
These reserves are concentrated mostly in the Sea
of Okhotsk and the Bering, Chukchi,
and East-Siberian
Seas. Here, more than 20
oil- and gas-bearing and potentially oil- and gas-bearing basins of different
geotectonic nature have been discovered.
Despite decreased metal output compared with
the Soviet period (e.g., 20% as much tin), Russia was producing more aluminum,
lead, and zinc in 2000 than during the Soviet era. Ten percent of the
technology employed in the nonferrous mining and metallurgy sector was rated as
world class, labor productivity was one-third below that of advanced
industrialized countries, and energy expenditures were 20%–30% higher. Another
problem was that the resource base for metallurgical enterprises was not
competitive in terms of quality, with the exception of antimony, copper,
nickel, and molybdenum. More than one-half of industrial mineral output was exported,
depriving the domestic sector of so badly needed supplies, especially barite,
bentonite, crystalline graphite, and kaolin. So far Russia has not been
successful in attracting foreign investment for developing its mineral
deposits, because of high and unpredictable taxes, not quite reliable legal
system, not always secure licensing, inequity in the treatment of domestic and
foreign partners, a retrograde banking system, and the inability to directly
export commodities.
The most troubling areas are transportation, taxation, domestic
consumption, investments, and especially ownership. In the end, all of these
issues are linked to the ideological change in economic policy over the past
four years and thus are unlikely to be addressed effectively until the country
alters its political direction.
Though there is little doubt that Russia will
remain one of the world’s leading exporters for many years. Unless arrested or
reversed, several structural tendencies may significantly jeopardize Russia’s
ability to meet the world’s rapidly growing demand for oil.
The business overview
All recent political changes, government
reforms, a stable economy, vast natural resources and a large population have
all led to Russia
seeing enormous advances in their foreign trade links. However, Churchill's
description of the country as a 'riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma'
still very much holds true for outsiders looking in. Gaining some basic insight
into the Russian mentality, culture and etiquette are key for anyone doing
business in Russia.
Russia offers enormous investment
opportunities in various industries, both on the domestic market and for
companies from outside the country. However, this is not a market which a
Western entrepreneur will find familiar at first glance, and the 19th
century saying that “one cannot understand Russia,
is something which one should believe in” is still topical. Despite the fact
that the Soviet era is already a distant memory, the country’s economy is still
controlled to a vast extent either directly by the state or through companies
which are dependent on the state and which enjoy various privileges.
Simultaneously, sensitive areas such as defence and mining are either closed to
non-Russian investors or are available only as minority stake in a joint
venture, with a controlling stake held by the Russian partner. The well known
cases of TNK/BP and Yukos have not helped to encourage foreign investors.
Nevertheless, Russia
offers a unique investment opportunity, and one must obey certain operational
rules on its market as additional expenditures of market entry. The complications
include a still substantial amount of bureaucracy, a poor developed
infrastructure, rigorous regulations, local competition and the lingering
shadow economy. It is generally advisable to enter by means of a joint venture
or the takeover of a Russian company which knows the local conditions and can
provide effective trouble-shooting expertise.
This country is the largest twentieth-century
example of why capitalism talks and communism walks. After eight decades of
rigid Red rule, the bear was finally let out of the cage. It is still a mere
infant in capitalist years, and if anyone has taken the phrase 'free market'
too literally it's Russia.
There are few barriers, few restrictions and few lines drawn in the corporate
Exploitation has been rife at times, and
there are instances of criminality at the highest levels of government and
business. Corruption is no secret, though, so it is probably best we get it out
of the way now. Political transitions are not mellifluous by nature, and Russia
suffered. Yet something has risen from the ashes: the phoenix of a new Kremlin,
a new opportunity.
Success breeds in the most unlikely of
situations, and like most countries that have recently found capitalism, times
are good for investment. Russia
is currently flirting with top-ten economic status, adamantly poised in
eleventh place. It is the biggest and most attractive emerging market, and its
advantages read longer than Tolstoy. Frankly, there has never been a better
time to be a part of Russia's
new chapter.
Stifling red tape might be
tougher to plough through than the Soviet snow, but its no better or worse than
other emerging markets, and even some developed ones. If we're discussing the
bureaucratic barometer, just look at Italy and we'll say no more. Things
ultimately get done. Russia
excels in building these areas of economics: special free zones, concession
agreements, independent investments funds and development banks. It also
maintains a progressive approach to economic advancement, focused primarily on
stabilization and eclecticism.
In terms of main Russian disaster, corruption,
its perception in 2010 as measured by Transparency International stood at 2.1
(the CPI – the Corruption Perception Index), which left Russia in 154th
place among the 180 countries surveyed. Russia’s CPI has been falling in
recent years, at a time at which many countries have been making progress in
this arena. The country is regarded as one of the most corrupt major economies.
Corruption is Russia’s
most serious economic problem, and it is difficult to tackle now that it has
become endemic, despite some decisive attempts by the government to curb it.
Social environment
By the year of 2010 the population of Russia has reached the figure of
138.9m and become the 9th largest in the world. The average age in
2010 was 38.7 -35.5 for men and 41.9 for women. In Russian society women
outnumber men by approximately 11 million. In terms of nationalities, the major
groups are: Russian 79.8%, Tatar 3.8%, Ukrainian 2%, Bashkir 1.2%, Chuvash 1.1%, and others/unspecified 12.1% (2002). Most
people declare themselves to be atheists or non-practicing believers (unspecified
8.8%, unaffiliated 59%), a possible consequence of 70 years of Soviet rule.
Those who claim to be practicing worshipers make up between 27% and 35% of the
population and are Russian Orthodox (15-20%), Muslim (10-15%), and other
Christian (2%). The average monthly salary paid in the Russian Federation
in 2010 was EUR 445.
Technological environment
has a well-developed and, in some areas, outstanding, research and development
base. This applies in particular to industries developed during the reign of Soviets:
heavy industry, aviation, aerospace, nuclear energy, chemical industry, etc.
Some of these are closed to foreign companies for security reasons. However,
these restrictions are sometimes mitigated if a Russian partner company is
involved in the project.
The total installed generating capacity in Russia has been estimated to be
215m kW. Of this, 68% is accounted for by fossil fuel power plants, 21% was
generated by hydroelectric units and 11% by the 31 nuclear power stations,
making this the most extensive electricity industry in Europe
and the fourth largest in the world. The country is rich in fossil fuels and
accounts for 40% of global gas resources, 12% of oil deposits and 16% of
confirmed coal resources. However, the Russian economy is the least energy
effective of all of the ten foremost energy consuming countries (in terms of
energy used per unit of GDP). It has been estimated that possible gains from
emphasising the more effective use of energy in Russia could reach between EUR 90bn
and EUR 115bn per annum. This would address an increasing demand problem by
2020 at a third of the cost of building the capacity required to meet demand.
Whereas the extensive use of energy might be explained by the size of the
country, the harsh climate or the importance of heavy industry, the greatest
potential for savings is in residential consumption. This issue is becoming
more important, because, in terms of gas, Russian domestic consumption is
increasing more rapidly than production – and demand in Western
Europe, a traditional export market, is expected to increase by
more than 50% between now and 2030. Oil output is also expected to start
declining in the near future. The achieving of a balance between energy supply
and demand will be a key problem for the Russian economy in the next few years.
still has a very low internet penetration rate, 29.% in 2009 (data vary in accordance
with the source and methodology). However, demand is growing rapidly, and,
given the size of the population, and the low living standards, this means that
the internet industry has the potential to develop as the economy grows, which
makes it an attractive market for potential investors. The mobile phone
penetration rate was estimated to be 166% in 2009.
The transport network of the Russian Federation consists of 87,157 km of broad gauge
railways and 1.16m km of roads, of which 41,000 km are major roads
of federal importance. There also exists an extensive network of domestic and
international airports, as flying is sometimes the only possible way of
travelling because of the vast size of the country.
The currency
The home currency in Russia
is ruble (or rouble).
Political structutre
is a federal presidential republic, with the President as head of state. The
Prime Minister is nominated by the President. However, the approval of both
chambers (the Duma and Federation Council) is necessary. Despite the fact that
legislative power is represented by the Federal Assembly, both the President
and the government may rule by issuing ordinances. Since November 2008, the
term of Parliament has been extended up to 5 years and that of the president up
to 6 years.Russia is a member of all major international organisations and has
a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council.
and weather
The climate in Russia
can vary due to its vast size. Continental climate dominates in the central
part of the country, and in the south, it is subject to Arctic and Atlantic
influences, as a result of mountains obstructing the flow of warm air masses
from the north and west plain and Indian Ocean.
There are only two distinct
seasons - summer and winter. Spring and autumn are usually brief periods
between the changing temperatures of summer and winter. The coldest month is
January (on the shores of the seas it is February) and the warmest is usually
July. Overall the weather, due to global warming, is becoming more and more
and workforce
In 2010 the
unemployment rate in Russia
reached 6% , which is an increase in comparison with 4% in 2009, though in 2008
it was 6.2% . However, we believe that the available statistics as usually do
not reflect the real situation and this figuer is actually higher.
If there is one word associated with
emerging markets, it's “booming”, and it’s just the right word to describe
today’s Russian economy. The challenges of market entry shouldn't be
underestimated, but the Great Bear is an eastern promise of opportunity. If you
want to be part of the great emergence, then it is time to give a strong
consideration to the first step onto this vibrant market.
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